The .alsace in on sale at €10 until the April 25, 2021!
Learn more about .alsace: its history, benefits and the terms of the new discount!

Local extensions have many advantages: making a region more dynamic, strengthening the sharing of cultures on the web, etc. Find out about the history, advantages, and current promotion of one of these local extensions: .alsace.
A little bit of history…
First created in 2014, this extension was then opened to the public in 2015. The .alsace is open to all whether professional or particular, the registration process is under the rule of “first come, first served” basis. Therefore, it is possible to register any kind of website such as “” or email addresses.
The first domain name created with this extension was the Registry “”. It remains in the line of French regional extensions: Bretagne (.bzh), Corse (.corsica) and Paris (.paris).
Although this extension is open to all, it goes without saying that the aim here is to promote Alsatian actors. The objective of this extension is to make the region more visible to the internet user and boost the Alsatian digital economy.
Make your region shine thanks to local extensions!
In the all-digital age, it is more and more important to share local and cultural specificities on the Internet. The Alsatian region, for example, has been able to take advantage of good visibility through events relayed on social networks such as AlsaceFanDay.
The same applies to .alsace.
“The .alsace embodies two values dear to Alsace: forging bonds and enhancing world citizenship. Afnic is delighted to participate in this collective project and to put the experience and skills of its teams at the service of these values.” Mathieu WEILL, former Director of Afnic
Apart from the spread of Alsatian culture, there are many commercial advantages for a company to own this local extension. Especially the ability to assert a digital identity, to adapt its communication strategy…
Or to meet new regional players, eager to collaborate in short circuits for example.
Recently, the Chinese giant Huawei announced the opening of a factory on the Alsatian territory, 20 kilometers away from Strasbourg. As a precaution, the registry in charge of .alsace registered the domain name to offer it to Huawei. A great opportunity for this company to promote, for example, the profile searches in the area. With more than 300 job creations, no doubt this domain would attract many visitors!
The .alsace is on sale until the 31st of October 2019!
This extension is on sale until 2021-04-25 at Netim!
Currently available to order
Conditions: open to all
Price: €10 instead of €36