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Find out about African extensions for Africa Day!

The African extensions are in the spotlight on the occasion of the World Day of Africa taking place on 25 May. In addition, an illustrated map will allow you to spot at a glance the extensions you are interested in and the country to which they are linked, neighboring countries etc.



Some history first! 



On April 15, 1958, the Congress of Independent African States met in Ghana. The aim was to highlight African states and peoples determined to free themselves from foreign domination.


This conference decides to create an “African Freedom Day” to “to mark each year the progress of the liberation movement and to symbolize the determination of the peoples of Africa to free themselves from foreign domination and exploitation.” African Liberation Day: A Celebration of resistance (https://www.pambazuka.org/pan-africanism/african-liberation-day-celebration-resistance)


A few years later, on 25 May 1963, 32 independent African states met and created the Organization of the African Union (OAU). The aim of this organization is to encourage independent movements among one third of the African countries that are still colonized.

A charter was drawn up and signed on 26 May 1963.


For example, the “African Freedom Day” is known as the “World Day of Africa”.



The African extensions



On the occasion of this day, Netim reviews its African extensions and their allocation conditions through an illustrated map.

What are the advantages of obtaining an African geographical extension?


The commercial advantages of a geographical extension should be stressed. By using extensions specific to your company’s commercial territories, you promote trade and protect your domain names.


Consequently, it is necessary to identify the countries with which trade is most important and therefore to propose appropriate local extensions.





Here is a list of the open african extensions:




Next, here is the list of restricted African extensions proposed by Netim:



Finally, here are the African extensions where Netim offers a local presence:




Get your African extensions!




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