Our selection of extensions dedicated to artistic crafts!
Whether you are an actor, a singer, an architect or a tattoo artist, we have the right extension for you!

On the occasion of the European Artistic Crafts Day, we offer you a selection of specialized extensions. Whether you are a designer, an artist, an exhibitor, or a photographer, you will find the right extension for you.
Designer, clothing shop, discover our selection for the fashion industry
Whether you want to promote your creations or sell them online, it is essential for any actor in the fashion industry to have a quality digital presence. Thanks to these specialized extensions, you will be able to find a domain to launch your online activity!
Amateur or professional photographer? Show your talent online with our dedicated extensions!
Online portfolios are a good way to showcase artistic achievements. When registering your domain, consider using one of our hosting packages that include a CMS installation. This will allow you to easily create artistic and visual support.
Singer, DJ, musician, find what you are looking for among our extensions list!
Share your productions with the whole world through your website. With a short, memorable and impactful domain, increase your notoriety with a wider audience. Want to speed up your business? Think about professional e-mails thanks to our shared offers.
Actor, director, comedian, our selection of specialized extensions!
Whether it’s theatre, cinema, or even streaming platforms, video is more present than ever online. Think of the specialized extensions to share the programming of your theatres or the latest extracts from your screenings.
Exhibition venues also have their own artistic extensions!
Whether you are a museum, an art gallery, or an organizer of artistic events, find the extension that suits you. By creating your domain name, you will be able to share your exhibition or performance calendars, promote the artists involved, and increase the envy of Internet users.
Artists, designers, architects, discover the extensions specific to your industry.
Design and architecture are an integral part of arts and crafts. Like any other profession, these professionals need to promote their work on the Internet in order to acquire potential new clients. With a .design domain name, for example, you can showcase your design talents at first sight!
Tattoo artists also have their artistic extensions!
Are you a tattoo artist? Put forward your creations thanks to our extensions dedicated to the tattoo world. With a domain name in .INK or .TATTOO indicates, at first sight, your activity sector and attracts new customers!
The final word!
As you will have understood, the art sector and the related industries will not lack extensions to promote their activity. This can be explained by a growing desire in recent years to integrate digital technology into our relationship with art.
Whether it is to promote activities, performances or even to integrate these media into exhibitions, it was essential that the art sector had its own specialized extensions.
Which one will you choose?