
Register your domain and create your WordPress website in a few steps with Netim!

Learn about two ways to install WordPress: manually or with Netim's pre-installation!

WordPress is one of the most widely used CMS (Content Management System) on the market. It makes it possible for anyone, with or without technical skills, to create a website, blog or portfolio that is :

  • Technically efficient
  • Easy to use and to update
  • Customisable thanks to plenty of themes and plugins

Although all these promises are kept, you should however be aware of a few things when choosing to set up your site manually. Indeed, it is usually during the setup of the CMS that some people make mistakes that can be hard to change later.

This is why Netim offers a pre-installation of the WordPress CMS as part of its hosting packages. If you are one of our clients, go directly to this step to find out about this feature allowing you to reach your management system in a few clicks.


General information

Create a WordPress website involves a minimum of requirements. You will need to have a hosting with :

  • PHP version 7.4 or higher
  • MySQL version greater than or equal to 5.7
  • Apache with the mod_rewrite URL rewriting module
  • HTTPS support

If Netim is your hosting provider, all our paid hosting packages are WordPress enabled, but if your current hosting does not meet the minimum requirements, please take a look at our offers.

If you decide to create a WordPress website manually, you will also need FTP software, which is software that can exchange files with the server. There are many FTP programs available, we will use FileZilla in this example (free software available on Mac, Windows & Linux).


Create a WordPress website manually in a few steps

Step 1: Download the WordPress files

Go to the WordPress website and download the latest version of the software.
Once the download is complete, unzip the contents of the “wordpress” file: you should get a folder named identically.

You will now need to upload the contents of this folder to your server. The FTP software that you previously downloaded will allow you to carry out the operation in a few clicks.

First of all, gather your server login details provided by your hosting company. If Netim is your provider, you received this information when you validated your hosting.

You will need the following information:

  • Host
  • FTP login
  • FTP password
  • Port

Once connected, the FileZilla screen will split into two parts: on the left the files stored on your computer and on the right those stored on your server.

On the left side of your screen, find the “wordpress” folder and open it to select its contents.

On the right, open the “public_www” folder on your server. This is the root folder of your site.

Download WordPress files

Move the contents of the “wordpress” folder to the “public_www” folder on your server.

Download WordPress files


Warning ⚠

You must drag the contents of the WordPress folder (not the folder itself) from the left to the right side of your screen. To do this, you can right-click > open to display the contents of the folder.


Step 2: Database configuration

This step is crucial for the smooth running of the rest of the operations.

Once the folders included in the WordPress file have been migrated to your site’s server, all that remains is to set it up properly. You will need to log into your management system:

Once you have arrived on this first page, you will find a list of the necessary information:

  • Your database name
  • The MySQL username
  • Your database password
  • Your database host
  • And the table prefix

This information is provided by your hosting company. If you do not find it in the email body, you can also get it from your customer area.

Welcome to WordPress

Good to know ?

Without a database, your WordPress site will not be able to function.

Note that in some cases, you may have to create a database user in order to get your MySQL login and the password for your database. Please contact your hosting provider for assistance.

Once you have gathered all this information, you will be able to fill in the form below.

How to install WordPress


Once you have set up your database, all you have to do is choose the title of your website and define your login details.

Information needed

Congratulations! Your WordPress website is now up and running!

WordPress has been installed


Make your life easier with our pre-install module!

You have two ways to launch the pre-installation of the WordPress plugin on your domain name:

Either when ordering your hosting
Or from the Netim Direct interface

Pre-install WordPress when ordering your hosting

1. Go to the “Comparison” page of our hosting offers

Comparison chart

2. Add the hosting of your choice and link a domain name to it

Associate a domain with your hosting

3. Add the search result to your shopping cart

Add a domain name and hosting

4. Confirm your shopping cart once you have finished shopping

My cart Netim

5. Create your account or enter your login details
6. Set up your domain name with your contacts
Contact account

7. And your DNS preferences

Your DNS preferences

8. Select WordPress and fill in the indicated fields

Select WordPress and fill in the indicated fields

9. Continue until you have fulfilled your order and wait to receive confirmation of your domain name registration and the installation of your hosting


Pre-install WordPress from your Netim Direct customer space

There is another way to create a WordPress website: from your client area. To do this, nothing could be easier:

  1. Connect to your Netim Direct space from the old interface (the new one does not take into account the hosting part for the moment)
  2. Go to the “Hosting” section of the right-hand menu
  3. Then in “Shared hosting management”
  4. Then select the domain name concerned
  5. Now look at the “Overview” window on the right
  6. Then click on the drop-down menu “Service administration”
  7. And finally on “WordPress and PrestaShop installation”
  8. Enter the requested information and click on “Installation” to start the configuration
    Pre-install WordPress


What happens next?

A few minutes later, you will receive a confirmation email informing you that your WordPress has been installed and is now ready to use. All you have to do is enter your username and password on the login page.

Good to know ?

The pre-installation :
automatically downloads the latest supported version of WordPress (so uploads all files to the hosting)
creates a database and the corresponding database user
configures the wp-config.php file with the correct information

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