Netim elected as member of Afnic’s Board of Trustees
What Netim wants to bring to Afnic during its mandate

Netim, registrar representative at Afnic
On June 10th, Afnic organised its annual general meeting in order to renew three of its Board of Trustees members. Netim applying to represent the “Registrars” Consultative, we are proud to announce the election of one of our employees, Sébastien ALMIRON, Sales & Marketing Officer at Netim.

“I thank my peers for their vote of confidence and I will do my utmost to represent them. I am often described as a passionate person with a transversal expertise due to the different positions I have held within large registrars and with different types of customers. It is all of this that I intend to make available to Afnic and .FR for the next 4 years.” – Sébastien ALMIRON
We would also like to congratulate the newly elected members of this general meeting, Souleymane OUMTANAGA (re-elected) representing the “International” College and Paul PERPERE who will represent the “Users” Consultative Committee.

What Netim wants to bring to the Board of Trustees
Through this 4-year mandate, Sébastien will primarily support the interests of registrars, whatever their size, notably by taking part in the decisions of Afnic Board of Trustees. He will be a driving force within the Board of Trustees, of which he is now a member, in order to ensure the promotion and influence of .FR, doing the same for the extensions managed by Afnic.
Sébastien will support Afnic in order to contribute to a secure and stable Internet, open to innovations and where the French Internet community plays a leading role. An Internet “made in France” so that our craftsmen, small businesses, SMEs, etc. communicate and use .FR domain names that reflect their brand, name, activity, etc.
About Afnic
Afnic, otherwise known as the Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération, is a registry founded in 1997. It is the registry designated by the French State to manage .FR domain names. It also manages the French overseas extensions, namely :
- .RE (Reunion Island)
- .PM (St Pierre and Miquelon)
- .TF (French Southern and Antarctic Lands)
- .WF (Wallis and Futuna)
- .YT (Mayotte)
Afnic is also in charge of guaranteeing an Internet that is stable and safe for Internet users, and that is open to innovations where the French community is highly regarded. As a non-profit association, Afnic donates 90% of its profits to its foundation, which is committed to the development of an inclusive Internet.